A. Hansbrow
H. Thompson
C. H. Newton
C. Tatham
W. P. Charsley
J. J. Marcel
W. Horn
W. Handcock
C. H. Stewart
Consecrating Officers : R. Waddy, Whatley Venn
The Warrant of SPHINX LODGE, from the Grand Lodge of Ireland,
is dated the 16th February, 1861, and was granted to Brothers
Arthur Hansnrow, Henry Thompson and Charles Henry Newton. Master
and Members of the Queen’s Own lodge, No. 58 attached to
Her Majesty’s 50th Regiment, Queen Own Royal West Kent Regiment
1st Battalion then serving in Ceylon.
The name of SPHINX was given to the Lodge, as a token of esteem
and regard for the Queen’s Own Lodge, No. 58, whence SPHINX
LODGE emanated, and as a compliment to the 50th Regiment, which
greatly distinguished itself in Egypt, and bears the SPHINX as
the leading badge on the colours of the Regiment.
As the WARRANT enjoins that the meetings of SPHINX LODGE shall
be held at Colombo, DISPENSATION was granted by the GRAND LODGE
OF IRELAND to W. Master, Wardens, and officers of the Queen’s
own Lodge No. 58, authorizing and empowering then to dedicate
SPHINX LODGE 107, at such time and place as they might deem convenient,
and to install the first Master.
The dedication of Sphinx Lodge No. 107, in accordance with the
dispensation, took place at Kandy at a meeting of the Queen’s
Own Lodge No. 58 held on the 22nd April, 1861. W. Brother Colonel
RICHARD WADDY W. Master of the Lodge, No 58, performed the Ceremony
of Dedication, in which he has assisted by W. Brother JOHN WHATLY
VENN Past Master ST. JOHN’S LODGE, No. 665, E.C. W. Brother
Colonel RICHARD WADDY also presided at the Installation of the
first Worshipful Master of SPHINX LODGE, W. Brother ARTHUR HANSBROW,
which took place on the occasion of the Dedication.
The Lodge Centenary was celebrated on Saturday, 22nd April 1961
at 6.15 p.m. in the Victoria Masonic Temple, Galle Face, Colombo.
To commemorate the event, R. W. Brother G. H. MONTGOMERY Grand
Inspector for Ceylon, invested the Master, W. Brother Lt. Col.
D. F. T. ABEYSINGHE with a silver chain of office to be handed
down form Master to Master until time shall be no more with us.
The Grand Inspector then addresses the Brethren. For the first
time since the consecration of the Lodge in 1861, a Banner was
placed in the Lodge as a further mark of this epoch-making event.
The Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. R.H.L. de S. Illesinghe the
addressed the Brethren and explained the purpose of a Banner in
an Irish Lodge and the significance of the design and symbols
blazoned thereon.
In October 2003 R. W. Bro. Col. R. HARINDRAN was appointed Right
Worshipful Grand Inspector succeeding Rt. W. Bro. I.N.S. SAMSON.
He is the seventh Grand Inspector of Sri Lanka for Irish Freemasonry
and the fourth Past Master of the Lodge to be appointed to this
office. After the consecration of Provincial Grand Lodge of Sri
Lanka on Friday 16th June 2006 Rt. W. Bro. Col. R. HARINDRAN was
appointed as the First Provincial Grand Master of Provincial Grand
Lodge of Sri Lanka under the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
In the recent past, members of Sphinx Lodge who were appointed
Grand Inspectors for Irish Freemasonry in Sri Lanka are;
The late Rt. W. Bro. Brigadier C. P. Jayawardene HPJW
The late Rt. W. Bro. R.H.J. de S. Illesinghe HPGD
The present Grand Lodge Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland
who are members of Sphinx Lodge are:
Rt. W. Bro. Col. Ramalingam Harindran
HPDG (Provincial Grand Master)
V. W. Bro. Major W. M. Weerasooriya HPG. Stwd. (Past Provincial
Grand Director of Ceremonies)
V. W. Bro. N. P. S. Cooray HPG. Stwd. (Past Provincial Senior
Grand Warden)